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10 Ways to Use Mindfulness for More Productivity at Work

One of the aspects which brings me the most satisfaction in the DeRose Method is how we can use its techniques and concepts to work more efficiently, to be more productive and to achieve more results. In this article I wanted to create a brief list of 10 ways in which you can use mindfulness at work so that you can increase your productivity, efficiency and success. 

If you are new to the DeRose Method or to the concept of mindfulness here are some interesting contextual links which can help you get up to speed: What is the DeRose Method, The Ultimate Guide for Mindfulness for Beginners

If you are already familiar with our approach read on. 

1. Start Your Day 

Begin your workday by setting clear objectives. Spend a few moments in the morning reflecting on your goals and priorities for the day. Use this period of the day in which distractions have not yet started to mount and make use of your concentration and focus to create your key objectives for the day. This mindful practice helps us focus on what is important and sets a positive tone for the day.


  • I would recommend that you use the same exercise that Professor DeRose shared in another article and which I will repeat here: “I turned off my phone, I closed all the apps on my computer, I closed my eyes and started to observe my breathing, my emotions, and my state of mind. I prepared myself for the task ahead. I did all this so I could be fully present, without distractions, and make best use of the limited time I had to complete the activity.”
  • Now that you have done the technique it is time to concentrate on your task at hand: create a list of the most important objectives of your day. I recommend that you write down up to 8 objectives and then go back on the list to add more detail, maybe a plan of how to accomplish them, whose help you will need and what are their priority

2. Practise Complete Breathing

As you train the DeRose Method you will learn that, while simple, breathing can be transformational. In our classes we regularly teach not only the technique to use more of your lungs and have more oxygen in every breath, but we go deeper and teach over 60 different breathing exercises which lead to unique effects. However, the foundation of this entire process is to learn to use the full capacity of your lungs and to use them in a way to improve the oxygen absorption and efficiency. We call this Complete Breathing. You will breathe throughout your day and, as such, the better trained you are in your breathing, the more you can benefit: more focus, easier concentration, more energy, more vitality are just some of the side effects. 


  • Inhaling using Complete Breathing consists of filling up your lungs one section at a time, starting with the lower, then medium and finally the upper section of your lungs. In this order you ensure that you are maximising the amount of air you can inhale. 
  • Exhaling reverses this process: lowering and contracting the upper section, then the middle and finally contracting the abdominal muscles so that all the air can be expelled. 
  • If you are not familiar with this technique I recommend that you contact us directly and we can arrange for a free trial period. 

3. Be present at your meetings

Meetings are a crucial part of the work environment,even if we can be plagued by having too many. Regardless of how many you have, nothing is worse than being distracted throughout the meeting and finding that at the end people were not paying attention. This will only add to the clutter or meetings. Instead, what we recommend at the DeRose Method is that you do a few techniques that can help you to be fully present in all your meetings.  


  • Make sure that you are comfortable, if your physical body begins to distract you, you will never recover your focus. 
  • Take notes. Even if you will not go through the notes later, the act of writing significantly helps your mind to retain information. 
  • Execute the concentration gesture taught in DeRose Classes – this gesture has a reflexological effect which will help you to be in a concentrated and focused mindset for longer and be more receptive. 
  • Just as important as staying focused is being able to notice that you are distracted. Pay attention if you’ve lost your focus and remember that bringing back your concentration is very easy, all it takes is one breath.  

4. Take Breaks

Our minds spend more energy and get more tired the longer we are concentrated. This means that giving your mind a rest and allowing it to be distracted for a few moments is really important.  


  • This is directly from our article: 7 Things You Can Do Today to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Routine 
  • Mindfulness break: Take a moment, a couple of minutes to just breathe. Inhale and exhale slowly trying to use as much of your lung’s capacity as possible. Become completely aware of your breathing. Stay focused on the task, avoid getting distracted, avoid thinking about something else. After a few minutes conclude the exercise, you have successfully taken a break from everything. Observe how you feel. You are now ready to get back to your tasks.

5. Singletask, not multitask

People may fool themselves that they can multitask however, the truth is that you are doing one thing at a time for a very short time. The human brain is not designed to be focused on 20 different things, but rather on one at a time. Were it not for conditioning most people would not be able to walk and talk at the same time!

So when you are doing something as fundamental as your work, avoid doing many things at the same time. “But there are just too many things to do!”, you may argue… Well if you remember the first tip, it was to create a list of objectives and prioritise them. Get those done first. Other things can wait. 

Manage your firefighting: other things may crop up during your day. Some of these things are going to take precedence – it will be easy to note them as you can check on your list of objectives and see if there is anything there that should take precedence. If something new comes up make sure that it can be finished before the end of your day. If it cannot be completed it may be better to start it on the next day and complete your priorities for today, today, adding the new task for tomorrow. 


  • Use your daily plan
  • Whatever you start, finish.

6. Be mindful about eating

In the past I have been to many offices where eating is just an annoyance to get through, people take a quick sandwich by the desk while working. I do not recommend this. While we may be rushed on some days, it is important to take your nutrition seriously. What you eat will help or hinder your performance. Therefore, I recommend that you stick to vegetarian meals at work, they are more easily digested and they have a perfect ratio of energy  for quantity. 


  • Eat without Distractions: Put away your phone, close your laptop, and focus solely on your meal.
  • Engage Your Senses: Notice the textures, flavours, and aromas of your food. Chew slowly and savour each bite.
  • Eat and only after eating use the extra time to have a further break. This break can help you return to work with more energy and clarity.

7. Mind your body

Humans should not be sitting down for 8 hours a day every day. While this is commonplace at work, you should make sure that you are mindful about your body and that you engage with your body to improve its strength, flexibility and vitality. If your physical body is strong, agile and energetic you will be more productive and less prone to distractions.


  • Practise the DeRose Method. Sign up for a free trial today.
  • If you practise the DeRose Method technical classes you will be able to engage with your body and develop all of the elements mentioned above and more, you will be able to better manage your emotions and your mind. 

8. Connect and communicate

This is another topic we have brought up earlier in another article. If you want to read this in more depth read it here. 

Oftentimes work really is about connecting and communicating with other people. Therefore, how we do this and how we optimise this process is of vital importance to improve our productivity and efficiency. When you apply the state of mindfulness into connecting and communicating you may even find you will enjoy work more!


  • Follow the principle of mindfulness: be present here, now. As you train your skill to stay focused you will be able to better understand and empathise with people, opening the space for better communication and connections.  

9. Affirmative Attitude

This one is not really an aspect of mindfulness but it is a concept of the DeRose Method. Affirmative Attitude is being predisposed to agree, to encourage, and to support any and all ideas or proposals. Affirmative Attitude is when you hear a proposal from your department head, or your team leader, or any other leadership, and instead of immediately showing passive resistance, you immediately support, praise, and encourage. 

This does not mean that you need to make a commitment of your time or resources. It simply means to avoid at all costs the passive resistance. When we offer resistance we block communication. When we offer affirmative attitudes we improve the flow of communication and we are able to better develop ideas and teamwork. 


  • “Yes! I love it. I think that this is a great idea. Can you tell me more?” 
  • If you would like to commit to help: “I can offer to help you in this specific way…”
  • If you are not able to commit just yet: “Please keep me informed. I am not able to commit right now, but I would love to hear how you are progressing and I am sure that I will be able to offer you more effective support soon.”

10. Reflect and Plan at the End of the Day

At the end of the workday, take a few minutes to reflect on your accomplishments and areas for improvement. This practice not only enhances mindfulness but also sets the stage for continuous growth and productivity, allowing you to already have some additional ideas for your next day’s list of objectives.


  • Review Your Objectives: Look back at the goals you set in the morning. Acknowledge what you have achieved and identify what still needs attention.
  • Evaluate Your Day: Reflect on any challenges you faced and how you handled them. Consider what you can do differently tomorrow.
  • Plan for Tomorrow: Based on your reflections, set new goals for the next day, ensuring a clear and focused start.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can transform your workday by enhancing focus, reducing stress, and improving overall productivity. By integrating these ten simple tips into your daily routine, you can harness the full potential of mindfulness and achieve greater success in your professional life. Remember, the key to mindfulness is consistency and practice. The more you incorporate these techniques, the more natural and effective they will become.

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Fabs Martins

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