What is the DeRose Method

Watch the video to learn more

Unlock Your Full Potential with DeRose

Transformative Techniques, Timeless Concepts

Welcome to the DeRose Method, a practical approach to personal development tailored for people like you who want excellence in your career and higher quality of life. 

Discover how this unique blend of Techniques and Concepts can empower you on your personal development journey.

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Paulo breathing

A Journey of Knowledge and Growth

In 1960, Professor DeRose began a revolution, now over 60 years later, the DeROSE Method evolved into a global phenomenon, empowering individuals in over 12 countries, including vibrant capitals like Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, London, and New York.

Our students say that our school improves work performance, deepens self-knowledge, and helps them to achieve their dreams.

Over 20,000 students across the world have embraced the DeROSE Method, experiencing profound personal growth.

60 year logo

Do you want to learn more?

“Manage time to improve focus…”

“Manage emotions during stressful situations by breathing correctly…”

“Meditation is a state of awareness and lucidity…”

“breathtakingly beautiful, the DeROSE Method helps to develop your performance"

Techniques and Concepts

Techniques: Enhance Your Physical and Mental Resilience

Immerse yourself in physical our unique techniques aimed at improving focus, strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. Train with us to unlock your inner strength and resilience.

Concepts: Philosophical Wisdom for Everyday Life

Discover the profound Concepts of the DeRose Method, originating from ancient philosophies of over 5000 years of age and which promote internal discipline and self-awareness.

Arg teachers handout

Start Today

Embark on a transformative journey with the DeRose Method. 

Join our community and explore the Techniques and Concepts that have empowered countless individuals globally.

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Explore the Uniqueness of the DeRose Method

Customised Training

Each student is an important individual for us and we create a unique programme to prioritise the students' objectives and development. 

Mind, Body and Emotions

True lasting success comes when you can manage and optimise your mind, your body and emotions -- all working together towards your goals. 

Applied Concepts

Offer you a new perspective on how you can manage your own-self, how you develop your mindset and how you can deliver more and consistently. 

You and those around you

Learn how you can manage your emotions and mindset and use your newfound stability to improve how you related to others, become a better leader and team member. 


Our students achieve lasting, positive change, leading to happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. They can better manage stress, improved relationships and achieve success.

Meditation specialists

Enhance your mental clarity, focus, and productivity. We teach our students how to meditate in practice which is crucial for the success of both working professionals and athletes.

Time tested

We have been operating since 1960 and from humble starts in Brazil we are now in over 12 countries wither 100 schools who teach more than 200,000 students. 


We have been teaching online since 2012, offering the best convenience and flexibility for our students. We are working on the plans to open our physical location at De Pijp in Amsterdam.

What do our students say?

Supportive Mentor

I have been working with Fabs for some time now , not only do I have a great teacher that makes every class enjoyable, I have a great friend that pushes me on to achieve so much more than I thought was ever possible.

Alex S. // Entrepreneur

Knows me personally

Fabs helped me through my transformation with his teachings and unequivocal motivation he has shown me the techniques to help me see that I can truly do anything! My future is abundant with opportunity, growth and to have my potential realized. 

Chante R.  //  Photographer

No BS, just results

Working with Fabs has set the basic attitude for me to build my business. I use what I learned with him every day to maximize my success as a sportsman and businessman!

ATZE k.  //  Entrepreneur and Sportsman