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8 Things You Need to Know About Mindfulness at the Workplace

This week I would like to share with you some tips that I used to do when I was working on my corporate job. I think that these 8 things you just need to know about mindfulness and how it can help you deliver more performance, more consistently at work. I have also used these elements in my work today. We will discuss focus, stress management, creativity and more. 

However, before we start, I think that it would be important to have a clear definition of what mindfulness is so that we can be aligned from the start. Mindfulness involves being fully present and engaged in the moment, a skill that translates into better focus, creativity, and resilience. For high-performing professionals, incorporating mindfulness into daily routines can lead to significant improvements in productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. 

I do think that these 8 items are essential aspects of mindfulness that can transform your professional life. Let’s dive in: 

1. Enhanced Focus and Concentration

Maintaining focus throughout the workday can be very challenging. Distractions are everywhere, and multitasking often reduces productivity. When focus is lost, tasks take longer, mistakes increase, and overall productivity declines. This can lead to frustration and decreased job satisfaction.

Mindfulness trains the mind to stay present and focused. By practising mindfulness, you can enhance your concentration, reduce distractions, and increase your efficiency and productivity.


It is important to understand that staying focused and concentrating is tiring for the mind and the mind will begin to fight you the more you try to remain focused. This is why taking breaks, and even something like a pomodoro method, works. However, if you do the mindfulness exercises I have shared on other articles and even on our main website page, you will train your mind, like you would train your muscles and allow you to achieve longer and more consistent concentration. 

2. Stress and Anxiety

Workplace stress and anxiety are common issues that can hinder performance and wellbeing. High expectations and tight deadlines can exacerbate these feelings. Prolonged stress and anxiety can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and poor mental health.

Mindfulness practices are proven to reduce stress and anxiety levels. By focusing on the present moment and practising mindfulness, you can achieve a more stable state of mind and better manage workplace stress.


As we saw in a previous article about the neuroscientific process of mindfulness, we learned that training your mind to concentrate and be able to experience the state of dháraná will lead to great results. I would suggest that you watch this video and do the training I offer at the end so that you can experience the effects and train your mind. 

3. Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

Creativity and innovative problem-solving are crucial for success in many professions. However, constant pressure and stress can stifle creative thinking. When creativity is blocked, problem-solving becomes difficult, leading to stagnation and a lack of innovative solutions.

Mindfulness fosters an open and non-judgmental mindset, enhancing creativity and problem-solving skills. Regular mindfulness practice can help you generate fresh ideas and find innovative solutions to workplace challenges.


A fundamental aspect of the technique of dháraná (mindfulness) is the ability to reset your mind. As you concentrate you go from a state of distractions and dispersion into a state of focus. Once you complete the exercises your mind will now be fresh and ready to make new connections which were not obvious a moment ago. If you want to go even deeper into this process I recommend that you take the next natural step from dháraná, the state of dhyána or meditation.

4. Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Relationships

Emotional intelligence is key to effective communication and strong interpersonal relationships at work. However, it can be challenging to maintain emotional balance under stress. Poor emotional intelligence can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and reduced teamwork, negatively impacting overall workplace harmony and productivity.

Mindfulness enhances self-awareness and empathy, which are critical components of emotional intelligence. Practising mindfulness can improve your ability to communicate, collaborate, and lead effectively.


Remember, mindfulness is about being present, here, now. If you are fully present and focused on the moment you will be able to hear others better, to gain insights into their state of mind, their needs. This is like a super power in emotional intelligence, for when we understand what others need we can easily help them achieve that and avoid conflicts. The trick is how to do this. I have a trick I used to do during meetings. I always strive to have a cup of tea and a cup of water with me whenever I am at a meeting. If I feel I am not fully present, I would take a sip of my drink very slowly. This would allow me time. Time to clear my mind, to connect with my senses, to quieten distractions and bring my full focus to the present moment. This works particularly well when people ask you questions and you need some time to consider your answer. 

5. Resilience and Adaptability

High-performing professionals often face rapidly changing environments and high-pressure situations. Resilience and adaptability are crucial for thriving in such conditions. Without resilience, stress can become overwhelming, leading to decreased performance and inability to cope with change.

Mindfulness builds mental resilience and adaptability. By incorporating mindfulness into your routine, you can better manage stress, adapt to changes, and maintain high performance in dynamic work environments.


The technique of mindfulness is fundamental in keeping your focus on the present, on the here, now. This is in stark contrast to the feeling of pressure that comes from managing different situations and changing environments. This is not to say that we should not plan for foreseeable events, but rather, that experiencing the current moment is more important than spending your time worrying about what is to come. The skill of mindfulness allows you to stay grounded here and do your best at the present moment. In one of my audio recordings I offer the insight: “you know that doing your best now is the ideal way to ensure the future you desire.” 

6. Physical Health and Wellbeing

Physical health is foundational to maintaining overall wellbeing and peak performance at work and in life. Stress and poor lifestyle choices can negatively affect physical health. Poor physical health can lead to fatigue, frequent illness, and decreased productivity, impacting both personal and professional life.

Mindfulness has been shown to improve physical health by reducing blood pressure and enhancing sleep quality. Practising mindfulness regularly can support your overall well-being, contributing to sustained workplace performance.


As we saw in the article about the neuroscience of mindfulness, there are many side effects, beneficial side effects, that take place when you concentrate on the present and train your mind to turn this ability on at will. However, in order to increase even further these effects we recommend that you do the entire DeRose Method. There you will combine the mental skills with emotional management, breath work, physical strength and flexibility and much more. As we combine these techniques together the result is more than the sum of the parts. So click on the button below and sign up now for a free trial. 

7. Job Satisfaction and Engagement

While some people can claim to work with their vocation and passion, not everyone is as lucky. Moreover, even those who do work in their ideal fields will still experience parts of their roles which they find more or less pleasant. Nonetheless, finding meaning and satisfaction at work is essential for long-term engagement and success. However, stress and routine can make it hard to stay motivated. Low job satisfaction can lead to disengagement, decreased performance, and even burnout.

Mindfulness can help you to discern between these two states: if you are just doing a less pleasant part of your role or if you are truly not suited for the work you are doing. When you are able to make this discernment, you can reposition yourself, enhancing job satisfaction and engagement. By practising mindfulness, you can find greater fulfilment and motivation in your professional life.


Arguably this is ‘a million dollar question’: “just how can I really experience satisfaction and be engaged?” Well, as you train your mind’s ability to concentrate and become present in the moment you will experience more. All the distractions that drew you away melt and you can start to gain powerful insights as to your position. Similarly, another insight you can gain from this is that work allows you to live and as long as it is bearable you can use work to fund your life. Regardless of the model that is ideal for you, being able to be more focused and concentrated on the moment will allow you to extract more satisfaction from each moment. 

8. Practical Tips for Practising Mindfulness at Work

Integrating mindfulness into a busy workday can seem challenging, but it is essential for reaping the benefits. Without practical strategies, mindfulness may feel unattainable, leading to missed opportunities for improvement.

Incorporate simple mindfulness exercises into your daily routine, such as mindful breathing, short meditation breaks, or mindful walking. These practices can be seamlessly integrated into your workday, helping you stay grounded and focused.


I recommend that you read our article: 10 Ways to Use Mindfulness for More Productivity at Work and put to use our tips on how to really enjoy the benefits of mindfulness in your work and life. 

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Fabs Martins

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