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Epigenetics in the DeRose Method

In the past few weeks I have been working with Professor DeRose on a book he is writing and editing about Epigenetics. 

There have been a lot of different drafts and versions, but I wanted to share with you some of what has been produced. Some of it may have been changed, updated and even left on the cutting room floor. Some of it may or may not see the light of the day. But I thought it would be cool to share with you some of the background work. Later I plan on sharing some more of this fascinating content. 

So here is a sneak peek at some of the content we have been working on…. please remember, that none of this may actually make it to the final text and that the original text was in Portuguese. This is just a VERY sneaky peek at some of the work I have been doing in the background. 

Chapter X

Since 1960, when I began teaching, my approach has always been unique as I tended to highlight the importance of the behavioural aspects in order to be able to achieve the best results in the techniques that were taught.

In the subsequent decades, I observed that ‘the world was coming towards us’, as gradually public opinion, and legislation, increasingly became more aligned with what I had always proposed.  Over time, it became noticeable that behaviours and attitudes which used to require a lot of effort and explanation to be understood by our first students, were now part of norm for students who join our schools nowadays.

After years of research we have finally found a scientific foundation of what we have always taught relating to behaviour and its ramifications in the life of a human. This foundation is called epigenetics.

Therefore, I decided to compile some information, in simple and accessible language, about this area of science. I wanted to clarify how the DeRose Method works and how it is related to epigenetics in practice. This is what I hope to share with you in the pages of this book.

Chapter N

It is common in the world of Science that the researcher knows the outcome intuitively and they spend most of their time looking for the supporting evidence of the results. That was the case with Newton, who observed an apple fall from the tree, had a flash of insight about gravity and then spent a long time building on the academic work to propose his theory. This is an apt analogy for what has happened with the DeRose Method. Since the start of our Method, over 60 years ago, until today, we already knew what we wanted to teach, we were applying these teaching in practice and changing the lives of thousands of individuals all over the world. But it was only recently as we continued the process to research the latest of what science is proposing that we came across what we consider to be the scientific underpinning of what we teach. 

You will read in the next chapters how different scientific papers have related the teachings of the DeRose Method to epigenetic and how it applies to different lifestyles, professions, education, areas of life and more. You may find some of it repetitive, if you do, skip the chapter and focus on what interests you most. You can always go back when you get to the end and return to those parts you skipped. However, I wanted to summarise here how the DeRose Method and the latest findings on epigenetics come together and how this can change your life. 

The students of the DeRose Method learn experience two very broad and powerful areas: Concepts and Techniques. The Concepts relate to the way we understand and interact with the world and ourselves, while the Techniques train the student and influences their organism. Both of these influence your epigenetic development. 

Concepts relating to nutrition, to interpersonal relations, to soft skills, to emotional intelligence, to the management of emotions and beyond are fundamental to guide your epigenetic development aiming to promote a healthier, happier and longer life. 

Techniques such as breathing, concentration, mindfulness, meditation, strength, flexibility, even the ability to manage stress, also contribute to guide your epigenetic development towards a healthier, happier and longer life. 

When you have both together, the DeRose Method is a premier tool to understand and apply epigenetic development in our students to an extent where the students themselves may start to change the environment, the very society they live in, for the better.